God’s Qualification for Transforming the World

Keith, I was a basket case when I became a Christian divorcee (lost joy, divorced and terribly lonely) but my life is changing a lot—for the better. I’ve become a Christian, but I don’t seem to have any of the gifts the leaders in our church do. I can’t preach, teach, and I don’t know enough about the Bible or theology to answer peoples questions about the faith to help people decide about Christ. It seems like people like me with no religious gifts or qualifications are just supposed to write checks, pass the plate and shake hands at the door. I hate to say this, but the truth is if that’s all there is, it won’t be long before I am bored out of my skull! How can I get some qualifications to help people find God?

Very real question! I don’t know what you were told being a Christian means, nor what kind of Christian Formation classes are available in your group but by the time I was 23 I’d helped bury all the members of my family except my mother. I’d broken my neck in a car wreck and only a great doctor and a lot of painful therapy allowed me to recover and start learning that I was pretty well powerless over a lot of things in my life. Then when I was 27, my mother discovered she had cancer and only had a few months to live—she was 64.

I am telling you this because about that time I came to what I felt was the end of my rope and made an attempt to surrender my life to God. I had been drinking quite a bit and did not think I had much to offer God.

But during the next few years I worked hard trying to be a good Christian and taught a kids Sunday School classes.

About that time I met a man who was very real and honest with me. When I told him I didn’t feel I had the correct qualifications to talk to other people about surrendering their lives to God, he laughed and said, “you want me to help you?” I nodded.

He asked me to tell him my life story. So I told him about the pain and loneliness of losing my family and about my failures as a man, a husband and a parent.

I don’t remember exactly how he worded his response to my story, but what I heard was, “what are your other qualifications for leading people to God?”

Other qualifications??

“Yea, the pain you experienced in helping all the members of your family die and learning how to clear up their things after they were gone qualifies you to understand, listen to and help people who are going through that pain and fear (of dying for instance) in ways a Bible teacher or professional theologian never could unless they’d been there. Same with you breaking your neck and facing possible paralysis and your divorce after you became a Christian.”

“These are credentials for helping people find God??”

“Well, did God help you through these crisis and the pain you walked through?”


“Then the story of each of these events that were so painful to you at the time, can be a drawbridge you can let down and walk across into other peoples lives who are suffering as you have. You can go to people and ask them to tell you about what happened to them. Then you can tell them that you experienced these tragedies and share your story with them—they will know you understand and will not be as lonely and scared because you obviously made it through the experiences. And as you offer to be with them and help them in practical ways, you may have a chance to point over your shoulder and tell them what it meant to you to have the sense that God was with you—perhaps through other Christians, or prayer—and when you got to the end of yourself you surrendered your life and will to God.”

“How will telling my story, my experiences help them find God? Seems to me they want help not stories.”

“When his followers asked Jesus why he always told stories to people He said that “if there is no readiness, any trace of receptivity soon disappears. That’s why I tell stories: to create readiness, to nudge the people toward receptive insight. In their present state they can stare till doomsday and not see it, listen till they’re blue in the face and not get it.” (Matthew 13:12, The Message)

“You mean I’m going to preach to them at a family funeral?”

“Of course not, but you asked about credentials and I’m just telling you that pain, failure, and loneliness have been my greatest credentials—the fact that I am a Christian and I love people when they have problems that I’ve had, has given me more credibility with some people than Billy Graham or Henry Nouwen—if these people (Billy Graham or Henry Nouwen) have not been through the same experiences and survived with God’s help. And what I learned is that if I go to love the people in trouble and not try to evangelize them, they will wonder why I came. Especially people I’m not related to and from whom I don’t want anything.”

“But, what if they don’t ask about God?”

“My job, as a Christian, is just to love them (Matthew 25)—to visit them and open my life to them and “to live generously”. Doesn’t sound very effective. But my job is not to be effective but to love people, and besides until I get to know someone and walk alongside them a little, I don’t know how they are already coping and what they may need.”

“You mean, as a Christian, you just go through your days and weeks finding ways you might be able to love people you are with?”

“That’s about it—and after just hanging out with people, you would be amazed at the incredible things that happen to some of them when they feel loved by someone who’s not trying to change them out somehow.”

“But the point is that it’s not my knowledge or academic credentials that are my real credentials for loving people from God’s sake, but stories of the pain and failure that God helped me get through. These stories are stored in my memory and become my human resources.

“He said, “Then you see how every student well-trained in God’s kingdom is like the owner of a general store who can put his hands on anything you need, old or new, exactly when you need it.” Matthew 13: 52, The Message

“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. . . . I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14, The Message

The Problem of Shooting at Your Foot, Hoping You’ll Miss, and Other Interesting Ways to Avoid Pain

Keith, I’ve been secretly wondering if I’m a real nut case—I’m highly motivated to do well and be a good Christian—but I resist doing things that are difficult and or will take a lot of time—even if the payoff for me will be great. I don’t tell anyone about this problem because my vocation involves complex and time consuming research and writing—which I love but which I put off and put off until I miss a deadline. Am I alone with this problem?

I don’t know how many others have this problem, but I sure do. I may wake up feeling very uneasy with a strong urge to “escape.” Suddenly, I sit up in bed, wondering, “What’s the matter with you?” As I reflect on our family life and my job, I realize that things are really going very well. We’re all healthy and have enough to eat, and no major problems are undermining the comfort of our life together. I am in the midst of writing a book. But I have the feeling that it is dull and no one will read it—or if they do, they will think I am naïve. So I will have to go through the agony of reworking the manuscript again to try to reproduce in writing the pictures which I see in my mind. And this is very difficult for me.

At this point I saw my problem. For some reason I was trying to avoid writing, the very thing I love to do. Why? As I thought back over my life, I realized that I have often avoided things I really wanted to do, just because they were difficult. I remember as a skinny little boy wanting to have a well proportioned physique. But I would do almost anything, including feigning sickness on occasion, to avoid heavy muscle-building work around our yard. I love to learn, and yet in school I avoided studying for exams as long as possible.

I said here, last week, that later, as an adult, I strongly resisted the notion of committing my life to God—for many years. Although I was strongly attracted to the idea and suspected that it was the better way, the suggestion of “total commitment” made me angry and was repelling. Such a commitment would no doubt fill my life with difficulties and force me to examine my true motivations at every turn. I was convinced that I would have to give up the normal joys and goals of living.

Throughout my life a strong desire has often forced me to overcome my resistance and try the more difficult thing: to begin doing the calisthenics, work, study in school, and finally, to become a Christian. In each case, when I chose what appeared to be the difficult course, I learned a strange truth about life: often the difficulties were actually the doorways to growth and fulfillment. Yet, I have spent much of my life, both before and after becoming a Christian, unconsciously avoiding painful and uncomfortable situations.

I realized this morning that most of the insights that have been of value to me in relating to other people were distilled from my own difficulties and pain in trying to wrestle with the problems of life. Some of these things—the conflict with loved ones, the blundering mistakes in trying to learn to pray at home—some of these seemed funny when I wrote or told about them in retrospect. But at the time I was facing the situations they were difficult, agonizing encounters from which I wanted to run—and often did.

I cannot recall a single person who has been of real help to me in learning to cope with life who has not personally faced some great difficulties or suffering in his or her own experience, even though he or she may have seemed profoundly positive and joyful.

The second thought that struck me was that the experience we call “joy” does not usually come from the trouble-free and effortless periods of life. Rather, joy seems to be distilled from a strange mixture of challenge, risk, and hope. And as I have met in groups with other uncertain Christians to share the difficulties in our families, vocations, and relations with other people and God, the effect has often been one of deep joy and insight into life—even though the difficulties themselves may not have been overcome.

But if this is true, then I should not run from the risk of difficulty and responsibility as I have done so often. I should quit trying to avoid necessary hard tasks but instead thank God for them. Because these things seem to provide the main doorways to character and firsthand knowledge about life. (I am not saying that one should go out looking for personal pain and difficulties. This tendency can be a mental sickness called masochism. It has been my experience, however, that one will find plenty of problems and pain to face just trying to do God’s will.)

My restlessness this morning must have been because I did not want to face the difficulty of writing these pages to you. But doing it has brought a great sense of peace about today. And I hope that for the rest of the day I will spend less time running from the tasks and problems that may lead me to life and wholeness.

People then should rejoice in suffering, strange as it sounds, for this is a sign of the availability of energy to transform their characters. Suffering is nature’s way of indicating a mistaken attitude or way of behavior, and… to the non-egocentric person every moment of suffering is the opportunity for growth.  Rollo May, The Art of Counseling

Where there is no strife there is decay: “The mixture which is not shaken decomposes.”

Heraclitus, As quoted in The Story of Philosophy

Father, thank You that Your Holy Spirit seems to use my hours of conflict and suffering as “teachable moments” in my life. Help me to distill from difficulties a way of living that is whole and gutsy and does not sugarcoat reality. Give me the grace not to reject those Christians whose circumstances have been such that they claim they have never personally faced fear of failure and the frustration of suffering through something difficult. Thank You that Your presence with me in my weakness often brings endurance and hope.

More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.  Romans 5:3-5

Fear of Being Changed into Someone Who Is Not “Me”

Keith, you seem to be writing a lot about the importance of surrendering your entire life to God. I have some fear about trusting God that much. Were you afraid to really turn loose? What’s the real skinny on actually deciding to?

P.S. And also, can you guide me to other writers who have helped you regarding the idea of surrender?

The simple answer is “yes,” only I wasn’t just a little afraid to surrender totally. I wasn’t sure it would even be safe to. I had started my real Christian adventure by committing “as much of my life as I could to as much of God as I could understand.” That commitment allowed me to come out of the spectator section onto the playing field and become a “visible” serious Christian. But when I first heard that God was calling me to “surrender my whole life” to him, I was very fearful. I had been baptized and confirmed and made some serious commitments and changes in my disciplines, behavior and attitude.

But there were some problems. People in my close relationships seemed to think I was controlling them (while I thought they were trying to control me.) And certain things plagued my intimate relationships, arguing with my spouse about some of the parameters of our most intimate life (ego, money, sex, and who’s really in charge here). Whatever the issues, I had an inordinate need to be declared “right,” even in arguments about who said what, etc.

I could not surrender to God because that meant I might have to acknowledge my self-centeredness and quit trying to make sure I always turned out to be the “good guy”—or that I might have to quit thinking some clearly un-Christian thoughts that occupied a lot of my time. Although I managed to change enough habits and behaviors that were very important and made me more vulnerable than I’d ever been, I just wasn’t willing to risk trusting God with my whole life that much—in a blank check sort of way. I didn’t trust that God would work the above issues out in ways that would make me happy or allow me to do well in a competitive world. This wasn’t all conscious, but I now can see it was very real and confining. So I just muddled along, experiencing a lot of anger and rejection in my most personal relationships—and ironically, honestly helping a lot of people.

But finally, in a treatment center, the pain got big enough to drive me to the end of my rope because of the threat of losing my family’s love and respect altogether. That put me in a position of powerlessness. I saw that with all I’d learned during my studies in theology and psychology, I couldn’t make anyone forgive me nor love me. At that point I finally really surrendered everything to God. I stepped through the portal of fear-filled pain in me and awareness that I was powerless to change my family’s opinion of me. And I simply surrendered my entire life (including the future) to God.

What has happened since that time has not been easy, but the sense of peace and the new perspective on just about everything has surprised me beyond anything I can describe to you.

I saw that God doesn’t evidently want me to spend all my energy focusing on “being good” or being “more religious,” but rather to focus on trusting and loving God, facing my denied selfish habits and learning how to be real and loving toward the people in all the different everyday areas of my life. But I now realize that I couldn’t possibly have kept all the rules, perfectly, or the disciplines, or loved perfectly—without a lot of denial and rationalization. I finally had to admit that in spite of all my determination and ability, I am powerless to transform myself into what I thought God wanted me to be.

About that time I was told that the faith that can transform our lives is not religious but “spiritual.” Whereas a religious person wants to know how to do the religious behaviors and disciplines and services that the religion prescribes, a spiritual person (particularly one who is committed to the God Jesus called Father) wants to know and do what’s real and loving in and outside of any church with which one affiliates. I finally got it that if an individual person is being the person he or she was made to be, that person will no longer focus his or her life on ‘goodness’, but rather on being authentic and trusting, while loving God and loving and helping other people become all they can be under God.

That was when I began to understand why I hadn’t been able to “give up” and surrender to God. In grad school I had learned from psychologists that everyone has several basic ‘drives’ that guide us to the things we need in order to survive: hunger, thirst, sex, autonomy, power, closeness, etc. But in our fear of not getting all we need, we have twisted these normal and natural instincts and exaggerated them to make sure we get what we decide we want (are entitled to)—based on what we are taught by our materialistic culture that we “deserve” if we are willing to work hard enough for them.

So I discovered that if I want to be the person God evidently designed me to become, I have to try to surrender my entire life to God, and then face my compulsively exaggerated and twisted focus on some of those basic instincts, and then confess the ways I have hurt and used other people in my life by using anger and subtle manipulation to get more than my share of money, possessions, prestige, sex etc., And as I saw these unacceptable facts and events in my life, I learned to make amends. When I tried to do these things, my worship and trust of God felt natural, and strengthening. (See Matt 5:23-24)

Now when I go through the daily process of facing, confessing, and making amends for my harmful actions toward God and the other people hurt by these self-enhancing behaviors, then the instincts and need to be right usually shrink toward being normal sized. And my experience over a number of years indicates that God will not try to make me into a super-pious saint. But instead, God is gradually allowing me to feel at home in my own skin and enjoy using and sharing the gifts and abilities he has given me to help other people to move toward becoming all they can be as God’s children. And most of the time I’m not afraid of getting old and all the shriveling that involves, (although it’s true that women don’t give me a second look any more (except maybe to see if I’m going to make it across the street safely). And that tells me that I’m not exactly “ruby-lipped and 22. But I am happy, really happy, and in love with my wife, Andrea. And I know that deciding to surrender my whole life to God was the biggest step on this leg of the adventure in loving we’re on.

And I’m still fascinated and passionate about learning all I can concerning God as God is revealed in Jesus, and about living that kind of loving.

Thanks for asking.

God, forgive my frightened stubborn avoidance of surrendering my life and my will. Help me to surrender this day and just trust you. Teach me how to love you more, and how to love other people and help them become what you made them to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

“When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. This way, love has the run of the house, becomes at home and mature in us, so that we’re free of worry on Judgment Day—our standing in the world is identical with Christ’s. There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear.” 1 Jn 4:17 (THE MESSAGE)

P.S. The following are a few statements of faith from people whose writing has helped me along the way in looking for the courage to surrender:

“If then, thou desirest to obtain freedom and grace, freely to offer thyself into the hands of God is the first essential. The reason why so few attain to inward light and freedom is because they cannot endure wholly to deny themselves. ‘My words remain unalterable: Unless a man forsake all he cannot be my disciple. If therefore thou desire to be my disciple offer thyself unto me with thy whole heart.’ “ Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ, p. 253.

“Men often take their imagination for their heart; and they believe they are converted as soon as they think of being converted.” Blaise Pascal, Penses, p. 78.

“But conversion is not realizing that it is possible. It is a conscious submitting of all we see of ourselves to all we understand of God. The knowledge of God is very far from the love of Him.” Blaise Pascal, Penses, p. 79

A prayer to enter the deeper life: “Lord Jesus, I believe that thou art able and willing to deliver me from all the care and unrest and bondage of my Christian life. I believe thou didst die to set me free, not only in the future but now and here. I believe thou art stronger than sin, and that thou canst keep me, even me, in my extreme of weakness, from falling into its snares or yielding obedience to its commands. And, Lord, I am going to trust thee to keep me. I have tried keeping myself, and have failed, and failed most grievously. I am absolutely helpless. So now I will trust thee. I give myself to thee. I keep back no reserves. Body, soul, and spirit, I present myself to thee as a piece of clay, to be fashioned into anything thy love and thy wisdom shall choose. And now I am thine. I believe thou dost accept that which I present to thee; I believe that this poor, weak, foolish heart has been taken possession of by thee, and that thou hast even at this very moment begun to work in me to will and to do of thy good pleasure. I trust thee utterly, and I trust thee now.” Hanna Whitehall Smith: The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life, p. 54

“Here in this inner region, in this root of man’s being, he [God] is still subduing his enemies, he is conducting his mysterious education.” F.D. Maurice quoted by H. Richard Niebuhr, Christian Culture, p. 228.

(The following is a thought I jotted down while reading Alfred North Whitehead’s Adventure of Ideas.)

Looking out on a clear beautiful day one would assume the only light in the sky was the sun, but wait for night and you will see the stars—which could not be seen at first because of the brilliance of the first light you saw. To see the beauty in the heavens we must look further—maybe a deeper conversion, a deeper life for us all. J.K.M.

The Short, Unusual Witness of Bennie Abernathy

Keith, the heroes in the Bible seemed to have much more vivid encounters with God than I do. I’ve been wondering what it might be like to have an encounter with the living Lord. And if I did, would anyone believe me? How would I tell if it was real?

Good question. Some years ago, not long after I had made a decision as an adult to commit my life to God, I was thinking of how little we know about communication. I tried to imagine the live television pictures from the moon hitting my brain with pinpoint accuracy after traveling untold thousands of miles through the fantastic speeds of the earth’s and moon’s orbits and their joint travel around the sun. This kind of communication is more than my father could have even imagined. As a matter of fact, I remember seeing a demonstration with him of the first live television equipment at a university exhibit when I was a boy. I overheard people saying that television was interesting but would never be feasible, because it could only transmit a stationary picture for a few feet.

Just now I thought about the intimate experience I am having as I communicate with you through this book in your mind, perhaps across thousands of miles . . . conceivably over years of time. And yet even if I am dead when you read this, my living mind is meeting yours, and we are sharing to some degree the communication I am experiencing as I write. It is eerie, but it is true.

We may be just beginning to learn about the transmission of information between persons and between God and people. If God is personal in nature and we are to pray, “Our Father . . .” as Christ suggested (Matthew 6:9), then we should expect some sort of response in meaningful terms. It may be that our ability to tune in to God’s frequency is blocked by our own self-centered absorption. Perhaps our sin is like “filling our receiving screens with snow.” Yet occasionally people get very clear “pictures” of God’s answer to a prayer in terms of a meaningful word or image. And whether the contact was actually with God or not, sometimes the depth of the experience carries with it the power to change the life of the person praying, and through him or her, the lives of many others.

Several years ago a good friend named Alan told me about a startling encounter he had just been through. My friend is an intelligent professional man and in some ways a little cynical about things he hears. I certainly do not know if the experience had a transcendent reference, but my friend had been deeply moved by the account he related.

A Christian, an automobile salesman, who was a friend of Alan’s, decided he was going to make hospital calls two days each week as a part of his response to Christ’s admonition to visit the sick. During a routine telephone call to a man named Bennie Abernathy, with whom he had talked earlier about buying a new car, the salesman, Bert Johnson, reached his potential customer’s wife. She said, “Mr. Johnson, I don’t think my husband will be needing a new car. He is in the hospital and has incurable cancer. He will probably never get out.”

Bert thought, “I’ll go by to see him, just to say ‘Hello.” When he got to the man’s room in the hospital, he had a very superficial conversation. Bennie was nice enough, but Bert didn’t know him very well and had no idea how he felt about death. Finally, just before leaving, Bert decided to get in at least a word about the real situation. He turned to the sick man, “Well I hope the Lord gives you peace about all this,” nodding toward his body.

When the man heard Bert, his face lighted with a wonderful smile. “Let me tell you something,” he said. “All my life I have never really known what I felt about God. I have heard that a person must ‘commit his life to Jesus’ or ‘be born again’—but I didn’t really know how. Yesterday I was lying here, very depressed, because I did not know what to do to tie my life into God. In desperation I decided to pray. I simply asked God how I could come close to him.” The man’s face was very sincere and intense as he remembered his experience. Now he looked into Bert’s eyes with great clarity. “And do you know what’s happened as I prayed? I saw Jesus—here in this room, as real as you are. He was standing over there (he nodded toward the corner), and there were people coming to him. As they got to where he was, each one would reach inside his own robe and lift out his heart . . . and hand it to Jesus. First there were grown men, all kinds, and then there were the children…” Bennie paused as he saw it all again in his mind against the wall in the corner of the room. Bert did not know how long they sat like that, but finally the man looked up calmly and said, “Then I gave him my heart, too—and he took it, put his other hand on my shoulder and smiled as he said, ‘Peace.’ And then he was gone.”

Bert could only nod his head slightly as if in agreement. “That’s . . . wonderful,” he said softly.

The man in the bed went on thoughtfully, “You know, Mr. Johnson, I realize this whole thing sounds absurd, but it’s true. It’s the truest thing that ever happened to me. And I am going to tell every person who comes in that door before I die.”

And he did.

. . . All I can do is indicate indirectly certain events in man’s life, which can scarcely be described, which experience spirit as meeting; and in the end, when indirect indication is not enough, there is nothing for me but to appeal, my reader, to the witness of your own mysteries—buried, perhaps, but still attainable.

Martin Buber, I and Thou

A miracle is “not contrary to nature,” but contrary to what we know as nature.

Augustine, The City of God

In the dispute concerning the true God and the truth of religion, there has never happened any miracle on the side of error, and not of truth.

Blaise Pascal, Pascal’s Pensées

Lord, sometimes in my cynicism I feel as if prayer is autosuggestion and that we are playing games with ourselves when we talk of communicating with you. And then I see the miracles of modern science and realize that we are already experiencing things which point beyond our intellectual horizons to a time when people may be able to communicate mind to mind across thousands of miles. With regard to you, we seem to see though a dim lens now; but I believe with Paul that someday we may communicate face-to-face. I believe, and I appreciate your help with my unbelief. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

We know only a portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete . . . . We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright. We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us.

I Corinthians 13:9,12

The Night I Became King

Keith, I have had many successes—president of my company, more than comfortable financially, elected a deacon at my church, my kids are grown and in good colleges. But I’m not as satisfied or fulfilled as I thought I would be after all this and am a little disturbed about the lack of satisfaction I’m experiencing. Do you ever feel this way? R.T.

Good question. In the fall of 1945 I was an entering sophomore at Tulsa Central High School which had 3,500 students. I was coming from a middle school that essentially sent its students to another high school, so I didn’t know many kids at Central. After the first day of bumping through the crowded halls on four floors, any self-confidence I had ever had vanished. I came home and complained to Mother, “I don’t know anybody in this school. This feels awful”

She said quietly, “Everybody coming in there is lonely and feeling inadequate. and they are all jumping into a bigger frog pond as minnows. You can just trust me on that. But if you’ll learn the people’s names and speak to them by name, you’ll get to know some of them. And you’ll also really be helping them, because all people want to be known.” I didn’t have anything else to do so I did what she suggested—except I didn’t just speak to a few kids. By the next fall I had memorized the name of virtually everyone whose picture was in the yearbook.

I also went out for basketball, and I was only about 5’ 7” tall. Fortunately I grew to six feet between my first and second years. In my senior year we did not lose a single game during regular season.

Near the end of school each year there was a big musical show at Central called “High School Daze.” A king and queen of the school were elected, to be announced and crowned the first night of Daze. I had become president of the senior class; we’d had a great basketball team; and I had won a few other honors. Then in the Spring of 1945 I got elected “king.”

I remember sitting in a room backstage alone, all dressed up in a tuxedo with a big red cape looking at the crown they were going to put on me. The school queen was a beautiful girl, and I was crazy about her. But as I sat there alone waiting for the “coronation” to begin, I had a strange hollow feeling inside—not at all the excitement and anticipation I’d thought I’d have. I asked myself, “Is this all there is?” And in that moment I knew a secret: being “king” is not the meaning of life. But I didn’t know what was.

After college some notable successes came my way in a couple of different fields that you know about, R. T. But the successes didn’t answer my question, “Is that all there is?” The thing that did lead to the answer I was seeking were the pain of failure and losses in my personal life (loss of my entire family of origin by the time I was twenty-eight, and then going through a painful divorce for which I was primarily responsible—in the midst of my greatest outward successes.)

Finally, in several stages, I saw my incredible self-centeredness and that even though I was sincerely committed Christian I was in denial about the fact that I had unconsciously put myself in the center of my life instead of God and was unwittingly building a Christian kingdom in which I was the king instead of Jesus Christ

When I discovered that many years ago now, I was horrified. And after much struggle I finally confessed my self-centeredness and the resulting sins and consciously surrendered everything in my personal and vocational lives to God.

I’m telling you this R.T. because since that surrender, what I began to learn to do as a sophomore in high school sixty-six years ago has become the way I’m trying to live my life now—that is, paying attention to and getting to know people around me—all kinds of people. Only now I’m loving them and specifically trying to help them find hope and self acceptance in life because that is what God is continuing to do for me. And as they ask me—or it becomes appropriate, I tell them what I’ve discovered by trying to surrender my life to God.

Mostly I’m not consciously running for anything now or trying to win some kind of prize or “game.” And that change of purpose brings peace and happiness into the present. But it’s the sense of God’s love and guidance that has been teaching me to enjoy life—whatever is going on that I’m facing. I’m eighty-two now and I’m learning how to live for God while walking toward death. And in doing what I believe God wants me to do now, I’m enjoying this final stage of life more than any so far!

I’m telling you these things because many years after I was “King Daze” and found a real King to live for, I came to see that everyone out there is lonely and sometimes feels inadequate at some level. And that if I can just get to know a few people personally, listen to them and help them in ways that I feel God would have me to, I can always have a life of meaning and I will never have to be alone, or bored. Of course sometimes I still wake up lonely or afraid, but now I know that’s just a natural part of life—sort of a spiritual “bad hair day.”

Lord, I’m so glad that you don’t leave us when we’re winning—or losing. Thank you that you keep teaching me that the values that aren’t your values are not nourishing very long. It’s good not to have to get an increasing supply of them all the time in order just to feel “normal.” Thank you that you can actually free us (in this life) from that rat race to success in which it’s so easy to get lost. I love you very much. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

“…where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)

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